Compress Image

Compress Image

Drag your image here, or click to browse

Upload an image before starting to compress the image

Image Preview:

Image Preview

Before and After Compression:


Before Compression


After Compression

What is an Online Image Compressor?

An Online Image Compressor is a free tool that allows you to reduce the file size of your images without significantly compromising their quality. This tool supports various image formats, including JPG, PNG, WEBP, BMP, and GIF. Users can upload an image, adjust the compression level, and download a compressed version of the image, making it suitable for web usage, sharing, or saving storage space.

Compress Image Example

How to Use the Online Image Compressor:

  • 1. Upload your image: You can either drag and drop your image into the designated upload zone or click the "browse" link to select an image from your computer.
  • 2. Adjust compression level: Use the slider to select your desired compression level. The percentage value will be displayed next to the slider.
  • 3. Preview your image: After uploading, you’ll see a preview of your image along with its file name.
  • 4. Compress the image: Click the "Compress Image" button to begin compressing your image.
  • 5. Download the compressed image: Once the image is compressed, you'll be able to see a comparison between the original and compressed versions. You can then download the compressed image using the "Download Compressed Image" button.