Background Remover

Free Background Remover

A smiling person with a house and sky in the background

Drag and drop your image here

Supported formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, WebP

How to remove a background in seconds?

Step 1

Select an image

First, choose the image you want to remove background from by clicking on β€œUpload Image”.

Your image format can be PNG or JPG. We support all image dimensions.

Step 2

Let magic remove the background

Our tool automatically removes the background from your image.

Step 3

Download your image

Download your photo and you’re done!

Remove Background

The fastest background eraser

Transform your photos with our background remover app! Highlight your subject and create a transparent background, so you can place it in a variety of new designs and destinations. Try it now and immerse your subject in a completely different environment!

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