Case Converter

Case Converter

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What is Online Case Converter?

A free online tool called Case Converter allows you to change the case of text. Online case converters will help you quickly convert any text that has been incorrectly formatted to a specific case. Its capability to convert text to different cases for different languages makes this possible. For writers, editors, and content producers, it is a helpful tool for properly formatting their writing.

Alphabets consist of both capital and lowercase letters. You may use a combination of them or just one of them in your writing. Various cases are defined by these patterns. This image displays the English alphabet's capital and lowercase letters. The Online Case Converter allows you to convert cases for various alphabets.

  • Sentence Case: Is a capitalization style where the first word of a sentence is capitalized, along with proper nouns, while all other words are lowercase.
    Example: This is an example of sentence case.
  • Uppercase: means converting all letters in a word or string to their capital forms.
    Input: "hello" > Output: "HELLO"
  • Lowercase: refers to letters in the small form, such as a, b, c, as opposed to their capital form, A, B, C.
    Example: Lowercase: "hello"
  • Title Case: First letters of each word are uppercase while remaining will be lowercase.
    Example: This Is An Example For Title Case
  • Mixed Case: It is a sequence of one letter uppercase, one letter lowercase for each word.
    Example: OnE LeTtEr uPpErCaSe, OnE LeTtEr lOwErCaSe iN EaCh wOrD.
  • Inverse Case: It is a sequence of one letter lowercase, one letter uppercase for each word.
    Example: OnE LeTtEr LoWeRcAsE, OnE LeTtEr UpPeRcAsE In EaCh WoRd.

How to use Online Case Converter?

You can use these steps to convert your text into any case.

  • 1. Paste your text into the text area that needs to be converted first.
  • 2. From the list, choose the case that needs to be converted. As soon as you choose the case, it instantly converts the text. Simply click the "Apply" button if you make changes to your text and want to apply the same format once more.
  • 3. To copy the converted text to your clipboard, select the "Copy" button.