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Lorem Ipsum Generator

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What is Online Lorem Ipsum Generator?

The Lorem Ipsum Generator is a free online tool used to create placeholder text. "Lorem Ipsum" refers to meaningless text used as filler in design and publishing, a practice dating back to the 1960s, with digital use beginning in the 1980s. Designers use this text to fill spaces in web pages, mobile apps, posters, banners, or any other visual material when the actual content is not yet available. While content management systems like WordPress or text applications like MS Word offer solutions for this, Lorem Ipsum Generators provide a quick and easy way to generate words, sentences, and paragraphs as placeholders.

Origin of the text is based on Roman philosopher Cicero's book, "De finibus bonorum et malorum". Lorem Ipsum texts are derived from Latin texts from this book. Original text is manipulated and altered to make it meaningless and nonsensical.

If you have a design project or are developing a website or mobile app, you may need placeholder text to fill the text areas and better visualize the design, even if your content is not ready yet. Using dummy text allows you to focus more on the design rather than the content. Random text generators are a good solution to this problem. Without placeholder text, you cannot fully test content-related issues, such as how your design handles longer text. Manually creating these texts can be time-consuming and increase the overall time spent on your project. You can save time by using online dummy text generators, which produce these texts in seconds, allowing you to directly paste the content into your code or design.

When creating dummy text, the number of words is an important factor. Word count, or even letter count, matters if the area is not large enough to display all the words. If you are creating a website or a mobile app, you need to ensure that the text area is big enough to display all the words. Otherwise, you will not be able to see the entire text. There are three main settings that determine the total length of the generated words. If you are unsure about the exact length of the text, you can use a letter and word counter to check if you have the right number of words or letters. This way, you can control the length of the sentences, words, or letters and ensure that it is not too long or too short.

For creating dummy texts with desired length and properties, this tool is the best and fastest available on the web. If you are looking for an easy-to-use online tool that functions as a dummy text generator or placeholder text generator, just follow the steps below to create gibberish text.

There are three parameters you must set in the Lorem Ipsum Generator:

  • Paragraph Count: The number of paragraphs to be generated.
  • Average Words Per Sentence: The number of words in each sentence, which may vary by ±20%.
  • Average Sentences Per Paragraph: he number of sentences in each paragraph, which may also vary by ±20%.

How to use Online Lorem Ipsum Generator?

To generate placeholder text, follow these steps:.

  • 1. Set Parameters: There are three adjustable parameters, with the main one being the paragraph count. This determines the length of the text by specifying the number of paragraphs to generate. You can also adjust the other two parameters if needed.
  • 2. Generate Text: Click the button to generate the dummy text.
  • 3. Copy Text: Use the "Copy" button to copy the generated text.